Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which of my prenatal studies should I bring with me?

UP&GOAL In Brazil more prenatal studies are usually done than recommended in the United States *. Therefore, it is rare that studies are lacking in most cases of pregnant women coming from Brazil. However, as a general rule, for pregnant women arriving after 28 weeks of gestation, it is ideal that they also have their third trimester studies (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, rubella) already concluded. Studies of Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Streptococcus are done with us at 35 weeks of gestation.
2. What examinations were performed at the hospital after the baby’s birth?

During the first few days after the birth of your baby, the following studies and treatments are done:
1. The baby receives his first Hepatitis B vaccine within the first two days of life.
2. At birth, you receive an injectable dose of vitamin K.
3. After 24 hours of life the “test to foot.”
4. The hearing test should be done in the first month of life, but it is usually done in the first days of life before leaving the hospital.
All of the above is included in the price of our services.
3. How soon after delivery can I travel?

It is suggested that the return trip be made only after administration of the first series of vaccines. This, by protocol, can be started only after the baby is 6 weeks old. After vaccination, ideally one should wait 10 additional days for sufficient time for the vaccines to take effect.
4. Is it possible to perform normal labor after a cesarean section?

According to the protocol followed by our obstetricians, in order to minimize risks to the mother and the baby, we do not perform normal delivery after cesarean section except in specific circumstances.
5. With how many weeks of gestation can I travel?

Our recommendation is that in general the pregnant woman travels up to 32 weeks of gestation. This is so there is time for part of the prenatal care to be done by our obstetricians and give them a chance to familiarize themselves with the clinical history before giving birth. In fact, the decision of how far a trip can be made should come from the expectant mother in consultation with her / his obstetrician.
6. Do I have the option to chose the type of birth?

Our obstetricians respect the autonomy of our expecting parents. The decision between a normal or cesarean delivery is a choice of the parents, as long as there is no contraindication for a vaginal delivery. In the end, the final decision is the product of the continuous communication between the obstetrician and the expecting parents throughout the gestational process.