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Receiving medical care and having a baby in the United States are practices that are completely consistent with US law, as long as the pregnant woman is able to pay for medical services privately. Even so, we know how much this choice brings parents many uncertainties regarding this legality.
To ensure that our patients have total security in their decisions, we have the support of a group of lawyers who are prepared to answer your questions.
We emphasize that Being a Mom in Miami is an exclusive program for the provision of medical services, and any matter related to the legal area must be dealt with directly with a specialized lawyer.
For more information, visit: www.piquetlawfirm.com, Piquet Law Firm*,
Tel. +1 (786) 558-8054.
*Contracting the services of a professional is an important decision, which should not be based on advertisements. Before hiring, we recommend that you ask the professional, from any segment, to send you in writing information about their qualifications and service proposals.
The indications of certain third-party service providers are based on the reputation and history of excellence in serving our patients, who have free will to hire the professionals they wish.
Being a Mom in Miami does not benefit from any financial advantage for these referrals and is not responsible for the services rendered in any way.